San Diego La Jolla

The area near Scipps Institute north of San Diego
P4289768   LA JOLLA Houses on the way to the beach P4289769 P4289770 P4289772   The beachfront park
P4289773 P4289774 P4289775 P4289776
P4289777 P4289778 P4289779 P4289780
P4289781 P4289782 P4289783 P4289785
P4289787 P4289788 P4289790   Breakfast at the Brockton Villa P4289791
P4289793 P4289794 P4289796 P4289798
P4289801 P4289802 P4289805 P4289808
P4289809 P4289810 P4289812 P4289814
P4289815 P4289816 P4289819 P4289820
P4289821 P4289822 P4289824 P4289825
P4289827 P4289828 P4289831 P4289832
P4289834 P4289835 P4289836 P4289837
P4289838 P4289839 P4289840 P4289842
P4289843 P4289845 P4289846 P4289847
P4289849 P4289854 P4289857 P4289858
P4289860 P4289861 P4289862   The La Jolla Pier P4289863
P4289864 P4289866 P4289870   The Mormon Temple P4289874